innovation, cooperation agreements, co-creation, commercialization, technology transfer, dissemination, and sustainability
2.6 New business models (implementing circular economy aspects)
How can the VCW Lab @ Nova SBE contribute to your organization or consortium?
The VCW Lab @ Nova SBE offers services within the innovation, co-creation, commercialization, technology transfer, dissemination, and sustainability functions of consortia. With the increasing focus of the EC on “go-to-market” and innovation actions rather than simply research and inventing, our team can lead a consortium’s efforts to find a market and potential buyers for a new product or service.
The VCW Lab @ Nova SBE team has extensive experience in:
• Applying the VCW-Value Creation Wheel for Co-Creation, Innovation, Decision-Making, and Problem-Solving in European consortia and hundreds of organizations around the world (Lages, 2016).
• Building a broad network resulting from:
- Collaboration with organizations including NGOs, start-ups, SMEs, and Fortune 500 across numerous areas and industries.
- Having been involved in numerous EC projects (NextLand, NextOcean, NextGEOSS, BETTER, Marine-EO, SenSyF, MyFarm), namely in projects with strong innovation and commercialization objectives.
- Relationships with organizations in the fields of Space, Forestry, Agriculture, Fishing, Aquaculture, and Security (resulting from EC Consortia).
- Relationships with International Undergraduate, Master, and Ph.D. students. For example, in the last three academic years, more than 300 Master’s students collaborated with the VCW Lab @ Nova.
• Leading or supporting the Work Package on innovation, tech transfer, go-to-market, sales/commercialization, business plan, decision-making, and sustainability, while engaging consortium partners and external stakeholders in events and activities organized at Nova SBE (see: NextLand and NextOcean).
• Leading the creation and management of the Business and Innovation Ecosystem (BIE) within large international consortia, supported by the VCW (see: Fonseca et al., 2018; Lages, 2016; Lages et al., 2020, 2023).
• Leading or supporting continuous marketing and sales actions to promote the products/services of the consortium to a wide range of potential buyers and users in both the public and private sectors, during and after the end of the project.
• Leading or supporting in Dissemination Work Packages, including the organization conferences, large Summits open to society and external stakeholders (see:, events, workshops, hackathons, and boot camps.
• Supporting the Work Package responsible for co-creation, creativity, and new product development, supported by the Value Creation Wheel method. This way, Consortium partners can build on users’ needs and integrate user feedback into the Consortium’s services.
• Using survey data supported by scientific measures from internal and external stakeholders.
Nova School of Business and Economics at Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal
The Nova School of Business and Economics (NOVA SBE) was established in 1978 as part of Universidade Nova de Lisboa and has become one of the leading European Business Schools, offering Undergraduate, Master, Ph.D., MBA, and Executive Education programs. In recognition of its research quality, the Research Unit has been classified as “Excellent” by international external evaluation panels over the years. As a global and research-oriented business and economics school, it has always focused on improving the virtuous circle that connects society’s challenges, industry, teaching, and research. Over the years, Nova SBE researchers received several EU grants (e.g., Horizon 2020, ERC-European Research Council; Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund; 3HP-3rd Health Program). Nova SBE is one of the few business schools in the world with triple-crown accreditation awarded by the three principal international institutions (EQUIS-EFMD, AMBA, and AACSB), and its Master, Executive Education, and MBA programs are at the top in the leading global rankings (e.g., Financial Times). Additionally, according to Eduniversal rankings, Nova SBE remains among the top 100 business schools in the world.
The VCW Lab @ Nova SBE is within the Nova School of Business and Economics at the Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal. The vision of the VCW Lab @ Nova SBE is to support innovation and better decision-making and to have a positive impact on problem-solving while applying the VCW-Value Creation Wheel. Its mission is to be at the forefront of innovation and decision-making while sustaining theoretical and practical excellence and rigor.